He is the way, the truth, and the life.
Desire, human desire will only bring you mockery and death, it was made that way
Can proliferation of atheism ever be justified if atheism doesn’t believe in an objective morality?
The judgements you make to others will be how you are judged
God is one essence, three persons, indivisible, unconfused, incomprehensible
God gave us free will, free will is understanding the habituality of humans, and taking advantage of it for good
He is who loves the innocent and crowns the repented
”Thou shall not have any idols either than I” all other faiths are personifications of human sin and states of misery, made to cushion the spiritual weaknesses of humans
All nations will fall, all ideologies are based in sin, the sin of the “virtues” cant even be hidden
Dry prayer is the strongest prayer, expecting something to happen is no better than a pagan waiting for a magic trick after vainly saying many words
Those who are humbled will be exalted, those who are exalted will be humbled
Pray without ceasing, pray with no images in mind
Worry not for the war is won, fight the battles as the minimum tribute
Live on ROCK, not on SAND, sand will melt and wash away after gentle waves
It will go away, they will go away, stop thinking about it
He came as a sword, knowing that people will be hated as they hated him
Sinning in the mind and in heart, is still sin
One is to not only read scripture
Sin really means to miss the mark on the potential glory god gave to you
God has the final word
Dont you see clearly through the demonization of simply telling the truth to the youth? It takes one sentence. We aren’t to fear “undermining our authority” if its the right thing to do
Abstract yourself from sin not from him, starve it
Emotions aren't necessary, even in the atheist sense, emotions are paths of usage that lead to neurotic outcomes, habitually softening them will dim them, however, little control you will have when they unleash, this gives way to the illusion of “repressed emotions” coming out
Anyone who treats humans as biological and deterministic processes, is looking at you as if you were cattle

The Cross