Resources for Eastern-Orthodox Christians | Slava Bozhie

Resources for Eastern-Orthodox Christians

Here’s a list of resources like documents, prayers and websites for Eastern-Orthodox Christians. DISCLAIMER: 1, 2, 3


The Creed

Our Father

Printable Prayer-Leaflets


Prologue from Ohrid

Useful Websites

For Altarboys/Altarniks/Ponomars

  1. I am only a layman from the Russian-Orthodox Church, please do not come to me with questions about Orthodoxy or for Spiritual Guidance of any sort. I am not a Priest. Instead, you should look for an Eastern-Orthodox Church near you and consult a priest there for your questions. This page is meant only to serve as a resource page for Eastern-Orthodox Christians. ↩︎

  2. The Background depicts the inside of the Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ. Image from Wikipedia, see here↩︎

  3. If you want to link to a specific part of this page, here are the links: Prayers, The Creed, Our Father, Printable Prayer-Leaflets, Calendar, Prologue from Ohrid, Websites, For Altarboys/Altarniks/Ponomars ↩︎

  4. Much Thanks goes to Vilyaem for making his Github-Resource page. ↩︎

  5. Much Thanks goes to Vilyaem for making his Github-Resource page. ↩︎