
Who are you?

My name is Stefan. I was born and raised in Germany while my parents come from the former USSR, from Russia and Ukraine accordingly.
I’m a pretty normal guy who’s into Eastern Orthodox Christianity. I converted into the Russian Orthodox Church out of Lutheranism in March 2024 after a long while of researching Church History, Theology and apologetics besides attending and helping out at Church.

Some of my interests/hobbies include (but are not limited to) in no particular order:

That’s basically all you’re gonna get from me here. If you wanna know more, feel free to hit me up through my contact page.

What’s this website about?

I decided one day after traversing the Web that I want to create my own personal website. It should have a name which is easy to remember, so I decided for slavabozhie (formerly netinfection).

In my eyes however, you should try to create something out of the things you’re interested in. Not as in following the norm, since everyone and their grandmothers has a gaming channel or even thought about making one, but I do mean something original or unique. If you try to create your own site, I’m certain alot of creative ideas will come rushing to you. And if not, then it’s still worth trying out.

Why slavabozhie.com?

Glory to God! That is why.
I came up with the name through Слава Богу (Slava Bogu), which means Thank God in Russian. The -zhie I got from Боже (Bozhe) and just added an ‘i’.
If you want to correct my grammer, feel free to do so by kontacting me.

Thank you for taking the time to traverse my site. I appreciate it alot.